October 2006 |
HAT TRICK - LP Water has been awarded it's 3rd order from Arkema Group in Calvert City, KY. This new contract calls for additional river water filters for the plant. LP Water has already supplied softeners and river water filters to this chemical company that produces KYNAR® PVDF resins and FORANE® refrigerants at the Calvert City location. |
August 2006 |
WE ENERGIES, Milwaukee, Wisconsin selected LP Water to design and build a new water treatment system for the existing Oak Creek Power Plant (OCPP). The water treatment system, consisting of prefiltration, reverse osmosis and mixed bed polishers will provide water to the existing units 5 - 9 of this plant. The new water treatment system will go on line in 2007. OCPP is a 1153 megawatt coal fired base load power plant, that is also undergoing expansion with the addition of 2 new units. |
May 2006 |
Georgia Pacific, Pennington Alabama have awarded a contract to LP Water to continue the upgrading of the water treatment system at the Naheola mill begun last year with one demineralizer. The new contract calls for 3 additional, identical demineralizer trains to provide water to the power house and other chemical processing applications at the mill. Each system is capable of producing 600 gpm of demineralized water. |
November 2005 |
Weyerhaeuser Company Limited, Grand Prairie, AB have chosen LP Water Systems to design and fabricate water treatment equipment as part of the recovery boiler project. The new anion exchange equipment and condensate polisher will increase the existing water treatment capacity at this mill. |
September 2005 |
Ameren Energy Generating Company have purchased a LIQUIPACK™ packed bed demineralizer system for the Newton Generating Station, Newton, IL. The new system is part of a plant upgrade to reduce chemical consumption. The equipment will be started up in December 2005. |
June 2005 |
LP Water Systems has been contracted to provide 2 RO Systems to J. Scull Construction Services, as part of a the Blacktail Water Treatment Facility for installation at Homestake Gold Mine, Lead, SD. Homestake Gold Mine closed in 2001 after 125 years of continuous operation. Homestake Gold mine was the oldest, largest and deepest gold mine in the Western hemisphere. Startup of the system is scheduled for 2006. |
March 2005 |
Georgia Pacific, Naheola, Alabama recently awarded a contract for a water treatment project for a 600 gpm demineralizer to LP Water Systems. The equipment will be shipped in August 2005 to replace older, smaller units. The Naheola mill is a major producer of bleached paperboard used in such products as folding cartons, cups, plates and tray stock. |
March 2005 |
G-P, Consumer Products, Green Bay Wisconsin, have also awarded a contract to supply 2 reverse osmosis systems complete with softeners to LP Water Systems. The new system will be shipped in April 2005 for installation by Georgia Pacific. Startup is expected in early Summer 2005. The Green Bay mill is a major producer of toilet tissue, paper towels and paper napkins sold under the Quilted Northern® brand name. |
December 2004 |
DaimlerChrysler Brampton Assembly Plant is expanding and upgrading their water treatment facility as they move to a 3 shift operation to increase production. The plant manufactures the new Charger, Magnum and 300C. LP Water Systems will refurbish the reverse osmosis system originally installed at the DaimlerChrysler Pillette Road plant for use in the Brampton plant. Once operational, the system will be capable of producing an additional 180 gpm for the paint shop. |
November 2004 |
Ford Motor Company, Wayne Assembly Plant, Wayne Michigan, home of the Ford Focus entered into a contract with LP Water Systems for a 270 gpm reverse osmosis system complete with multimedia and carbon filters. The system will be installed in the paint shop by Ford for a Spring 2005 startup. |
September 2004 |
Arkema Group, formerly Atofina Chemicals, Calvert City, Kentucky, have awarded a contract to LP Water Systems to retrofit river water filters into their water treatment plant. In 2003 LP Water supplied new softeners for this facility. The Arkema Group manufactures Kynar® PVDF resins and Forane® refrigerants at this facility. |
February 2004 |
LP Water has been awarded a contract to supply a speciality demineralizer for Bayer CropScience's Kansas City, Missouri facility. The demineralizer system will be used for an undisclosed process application. Delivery and startup of the system is scheduled for the second quarter 2004.
February 2004 |
In other news, LP Water has recently completed it's reregistration audit with QMI for ISO 9001:2000 and QS 9000 TE. The company's quality management system has been registered since 2000 and is one of few water treatment equipment manufacturers to qualify for both ISO 9001 and QS 9000 TE. |
March 2004 |
LP Water Systems Inc. has recently been awarded a contract to supply mixed bed condensate polishers for the new Madison Gas & Electric's (MGE) cogeneration facility at the West Campus, University of Wisconsin (UW). The facility will provide 150 megawatts of electricity to MGE customers and also provide steam for heating and chilled water for air conditioning to UW. The new cogeneration plant is scheduled to be available for Summer 2005 peak power needs. |
April 2003 |
LP Water Systems Inc. has recently been awarded a contract from General Electric Industrial Systems to supply a 250 gpm water treatment system for the Volta Power Authority, Tema, Ghana, Africa. The Volta River Authority provides the majority of power generation and transmission for that country. Electrical consumption in Ghana has been increasing at a rate of 12 - 15% per year since 1991 and the majority of the power generation has been provided by hydroelectric generation. At the present time thermal power generation contributes about 25% to the country's requirements. The contract calls for dual mixed bed ion exchangers to provide boiler feed water for a combined cycle gas fired unit. Startup of the water treatment system is scheduled for Fall 2003. |
April 2003 |
LP Water Systems announced it has received a contract to build new softeners for Atofina Chemicals, Inc. Calvert City, KY. The new system will be installed in July 2003. |
June 2002 |
LP Water Systems Inc. recently received a contract from Cinergy Services Inc., on behalf of PSI Energy Inc. for the Gibson Station in Evansville, Indiana. The contract is for the new water treatment plant. The 900 gallon per minute system will consist of softeners, a reverse osmosis system and polishing mixed beds to provide boiler feed water. Startup of the new system is scheduled for 2003. |